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(1 edit)

Interesting concept :-) But, how does friggin' wall jumping work? I'm only a minute or so in, but getting frustrated already trying to get up that platform via the two walls close together.

Edit: Ok, I could've been more patient. Succeeded some times now. But I do feel there's lack of control with the wall-jumping. It's mostly just button-mashing I feel. 

Also, got to the center boss and immediately got killed, because milliseconds after I entered I bunch of bullets came towards me, without time to avoid. Bit of a lame death. Might wanna fix that.

But, other than, had quite some fun!

(2 edits)

To wallrun you just need to jump nearby the wall (you sholdn,t look to wall otherwise you will do wall climbing =)  ) and press forward button(W). While you not standing on ground and press w you will wallrunning. Also you  can press jump buton while you on the wall and you will perform walljump

Thank you) There are a couple of bugs we didnt fixed because this game was created during 3 days jam =D